The tiered system of student organizations (Tiers I, II, and III) was created by the Department of Student Activities in 2007 to establish distinctions between different types of student organizations based on their variety of purposes and different levels of risks and financial responsibilities. Regardless of Tier, ALL RSOs require an advisor. Advisor eligibility can be found in Blueprints.

Tier-I Student Organizations provide an opportunity for students to lead a group that is simple in nature. These RSOs have low-risk, are not eligible for funding support, and do not have events or participate in high-risk activities. Tier-I RSOs are permitted meeting space requests on campus and utilize Student Activities staff for general advisement
Tier-I RSOs require:
- President and Secondary Officer
- Completion of SOLID training requirements

- President, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary, Faculty/Staff Advisor
- Constitution
- Completion of SOLID training requirements

Tier-III Student Organizations are established by the University and are managed on a daily basis by students with oversight from the University. Tier-III organizations are supported by student fees with high visibility on campus, high accountability to a large constituency of students, moderate to high risk activities, regular interaction with University staff, and reliance on the University for funding, financial support, facilities and event planning support.
Tier-III RSOs require:
- President, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary, Faculty/Staff Advisor (in addition to internal positions/titles)
- Constitution
- Completion of SOLID training and Triad Leadership Program