Off Campus Activity Advising

If you have any issues or questions, e-mail If you have questions about the process, see below for more info.

BEFORE You Submit a Form/FAQs

What do I do if my registered student organization (RSO) is going off campus? 

Off campus activities are any RSO activities that take place off campus, regardless of if an organization is seeking funding support. Such off-campus events include, but are not limited to: practices, meetings, socials, conferences, service events, competitions, conferences, and programs.

Registered Student Organizations (RSOs) are required (effective Fall 2015) to submit information about their off campus activities to the Department of Student Activities. If you are requesting USG Funding for your Off-Campus Activity, you are also required (effective Fall 2019) to submit information and go through the Off Campus Activity Advising (OCAA) Process, however, the USG Funding Process is separate from the OCAA process. All questions regarding your funding should be directed towards USG.

My organization plans to have several off campus activities during the semester. Do I have to have a separate meeting for each activity? Should I submit separate forms?

If your organization plans to have several off campus activities during the semester, it is strongly recommended that activity planners complete notification forms for as many activities as possible at one time. It is also strong encouraged that the events are submitted in one form. For example: if you are having practices, away games, or tournaments and know your semester schedule, on the OCAA form you select 'OTHER' under "How frequently does this Activity occur?" From there a text box will appear for you to list additional dates, times, and locations. Please provide the additional details in that text box and then you can individually add the locations in the location box provided. You can also upload a semester schedule as well.

This allows the Student Activities staff member to discuss multiple activities during a single meeting rather than one activity at a time. It also saves the Event Planner time and makes the process more efficient.

How soon should I submit the Activity Notification Form?

Please complete the Activity Notification Form at least 14 days before your first activity so that appropriate accommodations can be made by a Student Activities staff member. Students do not need to have all of the details of their activity planned out prior to submitting the Off Campus Activity Notification Form- please submit as much information as possible. The information provided in these meetings can assist student organization leaders with their activity planning.

What if my event is less than 14 days away? Should I still submit a form?

Yes! You can still submit your form. However, if you are submitting your event less than 14 days prior, there is a chance that your event will not be processed. If your event is less than 4-6 business days away from your submission, you must contact It is highly possible that your event will not be processed in time due to the short turnaround time. If you have requested USG funding and require our process, please contact USG about your next steps.

*If your event has passed, we do not retroactively process nor send confirmations.

I submitted the online Activity Notification Form. What happens next?

In order to accommodate all RSO events, meetings and forms are processed based on the time and date of the events, not necessarily based on when they have been submitted. Please allow for 4-6 business days for someone to process the information. A staff member from Student Activities may contact the Activity Planner of the RSO.  Depending on the information submitted, a staff member may arrange a meeting to discuss the details of the activity or may process your event via e-mail. The process the staff member utilizes will depend on the type of organization activity.

I submitted a form but my event has been cancelled or the information on it has since changed. Should I resubmit a form?

No! Do not resubmit an event form for an event you have already submitted. If your event has been cancelled OR information about your event needs to be updated, please e-mail with your event information updates. Duplicate and triplet submissions can backlog the system and cause events to slip through the cracks.

What types of information are covered in these meetings?

Staff members advise student organizations on risk management and prevention in six key areas to help the organizations have the most successful activities possible. These areas include: travel, lodging and overnight stays, activities with alcohol, protection of minors, cash handling, and contracts.

A staff member will e-mail risk management documents to the Activity Planner. The student organization's Event Planner should share the documents and event forms with their respective Faculty/Staff Advisor prior to the activity. The documents must be returned to the Student Activities staff member prior to the organization's departure from campus. Instructions on how to return various items are provided to the Event Planner via e-mail and will also be discussed in the OCAA meeting(s).

Who do I contact if I have questions?

For more information about off campus event planning please contact

Risk Management Resources

Risk Management Documents 

Below are links to the risk management documents that may be covered by the staff member during a meeting or through e-mail with the RSO Activity Planner, depending on the nature of activity.

Note: not all forms are applicable to every activity.